Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Mini Vacation

I guess it’s time to update the blog as it has been quite some time since the last one.  I have been doing fairly well with the new prostheses but still am not able to walk on it all day. Things are looking up though. Been dancing on the weekends and in general having a ball.

The latest news is that I have a new girlfriend. Her name is Wanda. We have been together for a couple of months now and some how she manages to put up with me so far.


Monday September 13th 2010

Wanda and I decided that we needed a break from all the doing’s at the VFW. We will be going to the VFW District meeting in Williams burg next week so it’s time to get the hell outta dodge for a couple of days.

Left Deming around 9:15 AM heading North on Hwy 180. First stop was Bill Evans Lake just above Gila. On arrival there were a bunch of firefighters there with their trucks. One was parked on the boat ramp and was testing the trucks water pumps.


A geocache popped up on the GPS so we headed for it. It happened to be down over the back. Wanda had sandals on so I started down. First try at this so things went kinda slow but made it to the cache. Oops no pen. Wanda threw a pen to me but it only made it about half way so back up the bank I went, retrieved the pen and got back to the cache.       It was a might easier getting back up the hill than down. Got back to the car and had to rest and patch wounds from cactus and tree.

We then hit the road again and had planned to spend the night in Glenwood but when we got there the 3 restaurants that were there were closed and we needed to eat. Again we hit the road and headed for Reserve. Picked up 3 more geocahes on the way and stopped in Alma and had a wonderful lunch. Service was very slow but the food was excellent. Got into Reserve sometime in the late afternoon, checked into a motel then headed for Aragon to get a cache. On the way we made a turn onto a forest service road to find another cache that was 10 miles in. The road was a typical forest service road that was graveled. the going was slow but a very beautiful drive, too bad we were unable to get to the cache once in the area. 






Too rough for the car to make it the rest of the way. We again got back on track and heading for Aragon. It was 20 miles to the cache and when we got there we could not find it so turned around and headed back to the motel. Got in around 8:30 PM.

We found this in Reserve.


A sign we also saw in Reseve but did not get a  picture of was.

Didn’t miss Taxidermy” You gotta love it.


After spending a dinner less night (Nothing was open) We had a really good Green Chili and Cheese omelet at the restaurant across the street from where we stayed. We then headed for Snow lake which is about 50 miles across the mountain on gravel roads.

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After stopping at the lake and looking around we headed for Mogollon an old mining town. It was around 2:00 PM when we got there. Here are a couple of pictures..


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We arrived back in Glenwood around 3:00 and there were no restaurants open so we headed to Alma to eat there. Nope not today they close at 3:00 PM. Bought a tube of crackers, a chunk of cheese and a Dr Pepper  $8.00 plus change………………………..That was dinner.  There are 2 motels in Glenwood. One is cabins the other is where we stayed. First key the lady gave up opened a room that had not been cleaned yet. The second had 3 beds all of different sizes. This is a real classy place, but it’s only for the night thank god.

After a night of not so much sleep we were up early, had a nice light breakfast and headed for the  Cat Walk Glenwood New Mexico We arrived at the parking lot and not another vehicle in site. Gathered out goodies filed out and paid our parking sticker and were on the trail.


Not really sure if we could make it or not here we go.








Total trip 1.1 miles each way and we both survived! Now for some well deserved rest. 

Red heart  

Til next time, BYE! Crying


  1. Look like your back in the grove good to see you up travling around the country agian


  2. looks like your back in the grove, good to see your up and travling agian


  3. Glad to see ya out and about even if it's only a small distance. Hope you had a great time with your new girlfriend and enjoyed the outing! Does not sound like there is much in the way of amenities in that area but know its more than enough for a tough ol buzzard like you.

