You ever hear about Geocaching?
Check out this video.
January 6th is the official New Mexico Centennial. On that day in 1912 New Mexico was admitted to the union. Celebrations will be held all over New Mexico for this event.
As Geocachers we will be celebrating also. We have events planned for every month this year beginning on Jan 6th. On that day a whole slew of Caches will be published. It should be a lot of fun. Here in Deming I have placed 2, Jake and Cindy are placing a couple, and Gary and June are putting out a couple. On Feb 11th we will host the first ever Event cache in Deming. We will meet at Ranchers Grill starting at 11:00 am, and will finish up sometime later. A special NM Centennial will also be placed and will be published a day or two later. The coordinates for the Cache will be available to all attendees at the event.
All that are interested in attending may do so. If your interested, are curious of just nosy show up, it will be a blast.
A not so typical Geocache.
A list of the events planned for 2012
February 11, 2012: GaryJune, Ramblin Ramsey's, CeeJay535: Deming Deming Event
March 24, 2012: Sexyboo + Mauraders, Las Cruces Event
April 21, 2012: Frog Dog&Corker and Suzze&Grump: Roswell
May 5, 2012: kingbee, Four Corners/Farmington
June 2, 2012: BLMBilbo, Lincoln
July ??, 2012: geowalkabout, Taos
August 11, 2012: cyclegreen, Heron Lake
September 15, 2012: RioNaiad, Albuquerque east mountains
October 20, 2012: suz55tbird, Valencia County
November 17, 2012: WarrenGSr, Clovis
December 8, 2012: team donutdog, Santa Fe
It’ a real adventure for anyone….Have fun.