Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Veterans Day November 11th 2010

Veterans day was celebrated all over Luna County and this was ours, held at the Veterans Park in Deming, NM. The turn out was much better than last years. There was better participation from the community and the related organizations throughout the community.

ROTC getting ready with 50 State Flags.

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The Color Guards

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Cathi Broock State Commander VFW

The  Master of Ceremonies. “Jake Varnhagenveteransday2010 (24)

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Weldon Allard

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Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Luna County Luna Ticks Annual Quad Rodeo.

Oct 30th the Annual Luna County Luna Ticks Quad Rodeo was held at the Abode of Harold and Barb Hoods. As usual we had one hell of a good time. Lot’s of visiting, eating, beverage consuming and dust making went on. Here is just a sampling.

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Halloween at the VFW

The local VFW Post 1477 hosted a Halloween costume party Oct, 29th 2010.

We had a fair turnout and one hell of a good time. Bob Delp and Windel played for us. Here’s Bob, guess I didn’t get one of Windel..

PA280555 PA280567 Oh! guess I did, That’s windel in the long hair.

PA280564 Some of the crowd.








 PA280575 Happy Halloween!