A day of Geocaching.
Attention Sharon, Yes you you know who you are.
Tuesday the 2nd at 6:15 as planned June and Gary (AKA Garyjune) showed up at my door step. We promptly loaded out cacheing gear, lunch, walking sticks, etc into my van. Then proceeded to meet Jake and Cindy (AKA Ceejay535) and hit the road. Our route to the first Geocache was around 90 miles away. We settled in and began the usual BS about everything from fixing the world to more reasonable things like caching. Finally coming to the dirt road that led to our first cache we turned off and shortly found our first cache of the day. The cache container was very unique. Take a look. When you lift the turret the whole deck opens up.
Yes, that is the cache container.
I will not be mentioning any names of these caches as they could be “Spoiler Pictures”.
We then headed on down the dirt roads and trails in search of other caches. We had specific caches in mind.
Here is a group picture of another cache.
The container is all welded metal and looks very realistic, including guy wires. actual cache was inside.
Another one

What a day. The entire crew had a blast.
We ended up getting 19 Caches for the day and got back into Deming at 6:00 PM, Then went out and had a Mexican dinner to finish the day. We were totally pooped.
Went to the Doctor today complaining again about the soreness of the stitches left in my leg. He gave me a local anesthetic and dug them out, Wow, what a difference that made. I was able to put full weight on the leg that day. Things are looking up.