The following pictures are in areas that I found Geocaches.

This Was really a neat place. The windmill was actually turning.
This is at the beginning of the trail into the Gila Cliff Dwellings.
The trail is 1 mile long, but is not a bad walk. The first half is a gentle climb up to the dwellings. The other half is fairly steep but is downhill.
Gila Cliff Dwellings National Monument offers a glimpse of the homes and lives of the Mogollon people who lived in this area over 700 years ago.. The surroundings probably look today very much like they did when the cliff dwellings were inhabited.
These are some grinding holes.
Twas a pretty long day, so I'am off to bed. Left this morning around 6:00 AM and got back to Deming around 4:00 PM.
Forgot this one last night.
I stopped here on the way back from the Dwelling. It is called an Arrastra and was used to crush rock in order to get the gold out.